I'm in desperate need to just get some images out there. I always told myself I'd be a staff photographer that didn't let their portfolio fall behind and would keep up on blogging. It turns out that's easier said than done. The stoke level on showing off your work from daily assignments ebbs and flows with the quality of assignments any given week, and mustering the strength to show it off is sometimes difficult. So I'm going to do some retrospective blogging because I'm a strong believer in self-publishing for self-evaluation. To me, I can never really tell if I really, really like a photo when it's in photoshop or photomechanic. I need to see it against that clean, white blog background. I think it has something to do with checking out other photographers' blogs as I was first learning what good pictures were. It was how they were presented, and I need to see mine that same light to be a good judge of them. So here's to trying to get that old, rusty, blog engine back up and running.
Urban Velo gave me a call last year to photograph Salt Lake City's Eric Rich and his one-of-a-kind bike piano he constructed himself. Here are a few of my favorite images from my first ever magazine-y portrait shoot.
Thanks for looking,